Discover 3 great business ideas for students. Start small with tutoring, summer camps, or tourism, and develop valuable skills while making extra income.
Many famous billionaires say they would start their businesses earlier if they could return in time. Entrepreneurship for young people is now a real option that brings many benefits in future life. The faster you advance your business talents, the better you will navigate your prospective career.
No matter where you study, now is the best time to start your own business. Your energy, youthful maximalism, and confidence are exactly what allows you to make a rapid leap to entrepreneurship. We have prepared business ideas for beginners that do not require large investments and can be implemented even from a dorm room. And if your business takes off and you find yourself short on time for studies, services like Wr1ter are there to help you stay on top of your academic responsibilities.
Why is it important?
Entrepreneurship allows young people to develop both professionally and personally. Among the advantages of implementing business ideas at the student age are:
- Business experience. Of course, a business school can give you formulas and theories. Still, nothing is better and more effective than doing business yourself. This way, you will know all the nuances of the job and social, economic, and political contexts. After graduating from the university, you will know how everything really works.
- Leadership and self-confidence. Develop your skills in stress management, delegation of authority, empathy, communication with clients, etc. Entrepreneurial students gain an edge over other graduates when entering the job market. Those leadership skills they receive in practice are no less valuable than the knowledge gained at the university.
- Relevant contacts. You’ll already have an established network of people to turn to for referrals, mentorship, business partnerships, or employment opportunities before even graduating.
- Career forecasting. You will understand your vulnerabilities and hidden talents by taking on your own company. At the age of 17, it is almost impossible to choose what you want to do all your life. Entrepreneurship helps you understand what exactly is your measure of success, what you want, and in what direction you need to move on.
- Favorable prospects. The resume of an ordinary university graduate is usually of the same type, “insipid,” and does not stand out among others. Even if your student entrepreneurial experience were not entirely successful, the “founder of the company” resume would stand out from other job applications in the talent race of the count.
3 Great business ideas for students
1. Tutoring
The modern world is ruled by information. Your skills and knowledge can be much more valuable than you realize. Even in the first year of studies, you can prepare future students for admission, share experiences and tips, and relay what you have already learned.
During the pandemic, lessons started to be held online. It is a good way to start your tutoring business. You must not be afraid to show what you have already achieved and what you are capable of. Your knowledge can be useful to hundreds of people willing to pay.
2. Summer camp
Organize an interesting and educational vacation for children in your free time, especially during holidays. Now, there is no problem in finding an interesting location where students spend their leisure time with children.
If you are not afraid of responsibility and have experience interacting with children, you can create an interesting recreation program for school students, assemble a responsible team, and implement such an idea.
3. Tourism
As everyone gradually recovers from quarantine and isolation, many people are hungry for real interaction. If you are a student in a large or historic city, consider organizing interactive walking tours. Domestic tourism is a gold mine that can now bring good profits.
It is enough to study interesting facts, legends, and jokes, create uncommon routes, and gather a group for those who want to learn more about the city where you live.
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