Learn essential strategies for law firm branding. Build strong marketing efforts, create a unique image, and effectively use social media to stand out.
If you own a business, then you probably have plenty on your mind. For instance, maybe you need to hire some new employees to fill vacant positions. Perhaps you need to work on your marketing efforts if you don’t have as many clients or customers as you want.
Let’s say you’re the head of a law firm. You know there’s a lot of competition in the legal niche. To get ahead, you need strong marketing efforts that help to get your name out there.
Law firm branding matters more than you might realize, and it’s something worth talking about in detail if you find yourself struggling to make an impact in the particular legal niche on which you’re focused. We will do so right now.
What Does Branding Mean in Business?
First, it’s crucial that you understand what branding means in a business context. Think about some of the most popular and well-established companies in the world. Let’s take McDonald’s as an example.
When you think of McDonald’s, you might call to mind the famous “Golden Arches” almost immediately. That’s the big red-and-yellow sign you might notice from half a mile away while driving on the highway.
Think of another brand, like Pepsi. You probably know what the Pepsi logo looks like. If you’re an older individual, you can probably think of previous versions of the logo that existed before the most modern one.
That’s part of branding. Having an image that someone can easily call to mind when they think of your company can help. You might also continually use the same color scheme when you’re trying to get people to remember your brand.
What Else Does Branding Involve?
Having a memorable logo and a distinctive color scheme can help with your branding, regardless of what your company makes or the services you offer. There’s much more to it than that, though.
Maybe you’ve seen commercials advertising a law firm on TV if you watch local channels. Think about the tone or style of those commercials.
Do they have funny themes? Does the firm go for a more serious or even somber approach? That’s also part of branding.
No matter what platforms you choose to reach your potential customers or clients, as a business, you need to present an image of yourself. This package of features you’re conveying needs to have the desired effect.
That’s almost always conversion. In marketing parlance, that means you successfully have someone become a customer or client by buying your products or utilizing your services.
Hiring the Right Team
Lawyers and law firms might seem like they have more of a challenge on their hands trying to get people to convert than some other companies or business entities. That’s probably valid.
After all, if you sell candy bars, that’s an impulse purchase of maybe a couple of dollars at most. A law firm sells a much different product, and it’s seldom one that a person wants unless they have a much more specific need.
If you’re running a law firm, then you’re probably not a marketing or branding expert. Even if you are, it’s not likely you have enough time to come up with and then implement marketing efforts that you feel will help your firm reach its potential clients.
That usually means you must do one of two things. You will either have to hire some fulltime employees who can handle your marketing and branding, or else you might use a marketing agency.
Such agencies don’t come cheap, but if you find one that knows all about the legal niche, that can probably help you. They can come up with some ad campaigns and marketing ideas that can assist in establishing your brand identity. It’s something that’s just as crucial for a law firm as any other kind of company, despite the inherent challenges that we’ve already mentioned.
Using Social Media to Help with Your Branding Efforts
Whether you choose to bring on full-time employees who can promote your law firm or you use an agency instead, they must do all they can to raise the public’s awareness of your product. In this case, you want someone to hire you, whether you practice business law, personal injury, or you work in some other legal niche.
These days, part of any marketing and branding strategy must involve social media. That’s no longer optional.
Literally billions of people use social media. It’s not easy to get any of them to start following and interacting with a law firm, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore the many popular platforms that exist.
Your marketing agency or employees who you entrusted with this task must work on messaging that establishes not just the service you offer, but also your brand. They can come up with an eye-catching logo. They can also automate your social media messaging so that your followers can know to expect content at the same time each day.
You also need to figure out what kind of tone you want for your law firm. Will you stick to a more formal one, or might you get a little playful with your messaging?
Will you try to focus on more topical subjects? If so, how will you choose to address them? That’s all a part of your branding efforts and your marketing in a more general sense.
Other Methods of Marketing and Advertising
You may also elect to use other, more traditional marketing or advertising methods. Your marketing agency might script and shoot some commercials that can air on TV in your local market. These can convey the tone you want for your firm even more than social media can.
They might come up with radio spots as well. Maybe you will get your messaging out via popular podcasts if you can find some that align with your vision.
Branding matters for law firms, and it’s not something you can afford to get wrong.
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